To help prevent the further spread of COVID-19 (the Coronavirus), UCI CARE staff will be working from remote locations.
UCI CARE services will be available remotely untill further notice. 
During normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM) virtual services are available by calling the CARE office at (949) 824-7273 or by email at  

After hours, you can find information about resources, options or programs online at or; by phone at (949) 824-7273; or, through social media on Facebook or Instagram (ucicare).   Additionally, the following resources are available to provide assistance:

1) UCI Counseling Center - (949) 824-6457. The Counseling Center is offers 24 hour access to counselors by phone.

2) Waymakers' 24-hour hotline at (949) 831-9110. Waymakers is a local organization that provides resources & referrals for survivors of sexual assault.

3) pixiv用什么加速器 24-hour hotline at (877) 854-3594. Human Options provides resources, safety and support for individuals experiencing relationship abuse.

4) Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity (OEOD) at (949) 824-5594.  OEOD provides information about filing a criminal complaint or pursuing a complaint through the campus disciplinary process as well as resource information.

5) The UCI Police Department at (949) 824-5223 is available to take reports 24 hours a day.

Please call 911 if there is an immediate threat to your safety or the safety of another person.

Other resources:

Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline (South Orange County) (949) 831-9110

Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline (North Orange County)  (714) 857-2737

Suicide Prevention Hotline (800) 273-8255


UCI CARE provides free and confidential support services to members of the UCI community who have been impacted by sexual assault, relationship abuse, family violence and/or stalking.  Programs and services are available to people of all identities and regardless of status. UCI CARE aims to end these forms of power-based personal violence by engaging the campus community in education, programming, and transformative action.    About CARE

Request a Workshop or Training
To view a recording of the Take Back the Night 2023 live stream of the keynote speakers please click 上p站的免费加速器.



  • Introduction
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  • Counseling, Support and Healing
  • Conclusion


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    Jul 10

    Back by popular demand!  On 8/5/20 at 12:00 PM, join CARE and other UCI staff and faculty to learn more about how we can all work to foster safer communities, both in-person and online, by being active bystanders.   

    Register here:  p站免费加速器2022 or copy and paste link:

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    Jun 1

    Anti-violence work in all of is forms requires us to be anti-racist and dismantle systems that perpetuate violence.  In addition to the prevention of power-based personal violence, the CARE office is committed to the elimination of racism, sexism and all other systems of oppression.

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    We know this is a difficult, scary and traumatic time.  To all students, staff and faculty at UCI who are hurting, we are here for you.

    CARE  (949) 824-7273  什么手机加速器可伍上p站  

    Counseling Center  (949) 824-6457

    Staff & Faculty Support Resources  (949) 824-5208


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    Apr 1

    University of California, Irvine is committed to creating and maintaining an environment in which all persons who live, work and learn in our campus community can be free of all forms of sexual assault, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and retaliation.  Every member of the University community should be aware that sex offenses are prohibited by law as well as our University police and will not be tolerated. 

    Sex offenses threaten the emotional, physical, and psychological well-being of our students, faculty, and staff and endanger the safety of our community.  Sex offenses impact our students’ ability to feel safe on our campus and to achieve their greatest potential in the classroom.  Similarly sex offenses impede the health and safety of faculty and staff, substantially impairing their ability to teach, research, heal, and to serve our University in their myriad of vital roles.  Sex offenses violate the principles of our community and the values that we hold most important.  Therefore, sex offenses will not be tolerated by the University of California, Irvine and are expressly prohibited. 

    COVID-19 Related Update: 

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    UCI CARE, Faculty and Staff Support Services, the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD) and UCIPD collectively recognize that staying at home and experiencing social isolation can create additional risk and may be dangerous for some members of our community, especially those experiencing relationship or family violence.  Concerns about virus transmission introduce new tactics that may be used to impose control or manipulate a partner, and social distancing restrictions may create additional challenges related to safety, health, and confidentiality.  External factors such as economic and health insecurity can add stress and create circumstances that further compromise safety.  

    UCI takes reports of sexual and domestic violence seriously and responds promptly and effective to reports of such conduct.  We are committed to continuing to support our UCI students, staff and faculty who are affected by sexual violence or quarantined at home with an abuser.  All services, including UCIPD, OEOD, CARE, Counseling Center, and Staff and Faculty Support, continue to be available at this time. 

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    Mar 16

    To help prevent the further spread of COVID-19 (the Coronavirus), UCI CARE staff will be working from remote locations. UCI CARE services will be available 上p站的免费加速器 until further notice.  During normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM) virtual services are available by calling the CARE office at (949) 824-7273 or by email at

    After hours, you can find information about resources, options or programs online at or; by phone at (949) 824-7273; or, through social media on Facebook or Instagram (ucicare).   Additionally, the following resources are available to provide assistance:

    1) UCI Counseling Center - (949) 824-6457. The Counseling Center is offers 24 hour access to counselors by phone.

    2) Waymakers' 24-hour hotline at (949) 831-9110. Waymakers is a local organization that provides resources & referrals for survivors of sexual assault.

    3) p站免费加速器2022 24-hour hotline at (877) 854-3594. Human Options provides resources, safety and support for individuals experiencing relationship abuse.

    4) Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity (OEOD) at (949) 824-5594.  OEOD provides information about filing a criminal complaint or pursuing a complaint through the campus disciplinary process as well as resource information.

    5) The UCI Police Department at (949) 824-5223 is available to take reports 24 hours a day.

    Please call 911 if there is an immediate threat to your safety or the safety of another person.

    Other resources:

    Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline (South Orange County) (949) 831-9110

    Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline (North Orange County)  (714) 857-2737

    Suicide Prevention Hotline (800) 273-8255

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    Safety tip: Prior to accepting new friend requests, check your privacy settings to protect personal information and do not engage in sexy webcam video chats with strangers to prevent this from happening to you. If it has happened to you or someone you know, the following recommendations have been reported helpful by other victims of this type of scam:


    1) Cut off all contact with the scammers. Terrorizing you is the scammer’s best weapon to get you to pay the amount requested.


    2) Do not pay the amount request. This can encourage continued threats and harassment for more money.


    3) If possible, delete your accounts and change your phone number. If you cannot delete, do not respond to any messages.


    4) Make sure that your account is secure and adjust the privacy settings so that no one can see your friends. You can also contact your Facebook friends and let them know that a hacker will try to make contact with them and to not click on anything they send.


    5) Remember that you can always come to the CARE office and speak with an advocate for support.


    6) Contact the police department.






  • Yoga mats, blankets, and cushions spread out around a yoga studio.

    Yoga as Healing

    Winter and Spring Quarters Learn More
  • student looking at messages from sexual assault survivors written on t-shirts hanging on a clothesline

    Clothesline Project

    April 15-17, 2023 Learn More
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    Take Back the Night

    April 17, 2023 Learn More


UCI Campus Assault Resources and Education (CARE)


Sex Offense

Sex offenses are acts of interpersonal violence and non-consensual sexual acts including:

  • sexual assault
  • domestic violence
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  • stalking
Sexual Assault

Sexual assault occurs when physical sexual activity is engaged in without the consent of the other person. The conduct may include:

  • Physical force, violence, threat or intimidation
  • Ignoring the objections of the other person
  • Causing the other person’s intoxication or impairment through the use of drugs or alcohol
  • Taking advantage of the other person’s incapacitation (including voluntary intoxication), state of intimidation, or other inability to consent
  • Sexual battery
Domestic Violence

Behavior that includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional or psychological abuse by a current or former spouse, by a person with whom the complainant shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabiting or has cohabited with the complainant as a spouse, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the complainant under the laws of the jurisdiction, or any other person against an adult or youth survivor who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic violence laws.

Dating Violence

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An "Attempt" occurs when anyone attempts to commit a sex offense but fails, or is prevented or intercepted in its perpetration.

Consent is positive cooperation involving an act of free will, absent of coercion, intimidation, force, or the threat of force.

A person cannot give effective consent if he/she is unable to appreciate the nature of the sexual act, as with a person who has a disability that would impair understanding of the act or if a person is impaired by the influence of drugs or alcohol.


Abuse means intentionally or recklessly causing or attempting to cause bodily injury, or placing another person in reasonable fear of imminent serious bodily injury to himself or herself or another. Abuse may include:

  • Physical abuse involves acts such as hitting, slapping, pushing, punching, kicking, and choking. It could involve using a weapon or object to threaten or hurt someone. It also includes throwing, smashing, or breaking personal items and hurting or killing of pets.
  • Sexual abuse involves pressuring or forcing someone to engage in non-consensual sexual acts, including creating pictures or videos.
  • Verbal abuse involves put downs, name calling, yelling or swearing.
  • Emotional abuse involves ignoring someone or using looks or actions or speaking in ways that are frightening or threatening.
Sexual misconduct

Sexual misconduct is non-consensual sexual activity that does not involve touching, for example:

  • Electronically recording, photographing, or transmitting intimate or sexual utterances, sounds, or images of another person
  • Allowing third parties to observe sexual acts
  • Engaging in voyeurism
  • Exposing oneself